yes they should because they are people too just like everyone else.
Just because they are more well known than we are,they should still be held acountable for the wrong things that they do.
The personal cell phone, home phone numbers, home addresses and email addresses of celebrities, singers, bands, actors, and models are not made available to the general public for privacy and safety concerns.
It is probable that at least one celebrity does. Specifically who, cannot be stated as that information is never made public.
The real Chloe Grace Moretz Facebook is not known to the public. Celebrities like to keep their personal social network profiles hidden from the public.
The modern day Illuminati are widely believed to be nothing more than a conspiracy theory. However, if they were to exist, they are said to be super secretive and working in the shadows. Celebrities would never make it public knowledge that they had Illuminati connections. All the same, some Filipino celebrities that have Illuminati rumors are Vice Ganda and John Paulo Aquino.
Juvenile Mugshots and court related documents are not avaible for the public to see.
Congress should be held accountable for their actions, no matter what. They are responsible for legislating the laws that affect our daily lives, and should be held to a higher standard than the public.
No citizen should be banned from public office if they are otherwise qualified.
Government is responsible for caring for public property
They are usually public because they have a life to live too.
Although some celebrities are not keen on the idea of sharing their weight, this kind of profile information is widely available when in the public eye.
Difficult to say. Many celebrities don't mention it and their status in the Church is not public record.
The physical attributes that make some celebrities "sexy" are the ones that established them as public figures in the first place.
The paparazzi make the celebrities look however they want them to look. If there is a picture of a celebrity smoking for instance, This gives the public a negative perception of the celebrity because they are suppose to be perfect in the public's eyes.
Celebrities have the right to a personal life and such personal details should remain private, unless they choose to release them to the public.
Celebrities have the right to a personal life and such personal details should remain private, unless they choose to release them to the public.