The personal cell phone, home phone numbers, home addresses and email addresses of celebrities, singers, bands, actors, and models are not made available to the general public for privacy and safety concerns.
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WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities.
WikiAnswers will not disclose personal contact information of celebrities, or other individuals related due to privacy concerns.
An official address is not known at this time. WikiAnswers doesn't provide personal addresses of phone numbers of celebrities.
If she wanted you to know it, she'd tell you. Questions pertaining to personal contact info for others - celebrities or otherwise - are not tendered on this site.
WikiAnswers does not give out personal contact details for Celebrities and Non-celebrities alike.
WikiAnswers does not give out personal contact details of anyone, including celebrities. However, we do give out the official public fan contact details of known celebrities.
It is WikiAnswers policy not to give out personal contact details of celebrities
WikiAnswers does not provide personal or private details for celebrities or non-celebrities.
WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities and non-celebrities alike.
I do not have access to personal details such as celebrities' favorite foods.
WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities and non celebrities alike.
Why would deepika tell anyone her email address. celebrities generally do not reveal their contact details. They kept their details private as to have some privacy.
Celebrities do not share their personal contact information with the public. WikiAnswers does not provide phone numbers for individuals or celebrities, in order to protect their privacy. You can though, contact celebrities through their fan contact numbers and addresses or their agents.
Wiki answers does not list email id or contact details or any personal details.
WikiAnswers will not provide personal contact information for celebrities.
WikiAnswers does not divulge personal contact information of celebrities, for individuals.