No he was never voted the sexiest man alive, or made it on to any of "sexiest" lists.
yes! the sexiest chik in da world... nd she ain't extremely fat ;) guess who?
i am! (;
Nobody can answer this question objectively. It's a matter of opinion.
the sexiest girl in the world are blond lesbians
Sexiness is in the eye of the beholder and opinions may vary according to what a person deems as sexy - beauty, intelligence, body build, personality, etc. Your girlfriend or wife could be (and arguably should be) the sexiest girl in the world TO YOU.
The Misadventures of Sheriff Lobo - 1979 Who's the Sexiest Girl in the World 1-15 was released on: USA: 19 February 1980
Kaka is the sexiest footba ller in the world
Jennifer Lawrence has got the sexiest female soles in the world.
say i love you
harry styles
Elaine Ung is the sexiest girl alive, she turns me on, and she is the sexiestexiesttest thing in the world , (Pokes Finger) :P
They always say Your the sexiest girl i seen to a girl
treat her well.
No, Lauren Nicole is.