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According to a book i read Robert pattz said that his favorite actors are Jack Nicholson, Michael Gambon, Warwick Davis , and Al Pacino

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Q: Robert Pattinsons favorite actor
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HELLO.......... She is an actor... But: she likes Robert Pattinsons acting DOES THAT COUNT???

Who is Robert Pattinsons acting inspiration?

His favorite actor is Jack Nicholson. His inspiration, though, is James Dean, as i read in my biography

What is the actor Robert Pattinsons middle initial?

His middle name is Thomas, so his middle initial is T.

What is Robert Pattinson's favorite actor and actress?

His Favorite Actor Is Jack Nickelson. I don't Know His Favorite Actress

What is Robert pattinsons userr name on AIM?

Robert Pattinson is a famous actor best known for his role as Edward in the Twilight series. He does not give out his social media names to the general public.

Quien es el actor favorito de Robert Pattinson?

In English? Who is Robert Pattinson's favorite actor

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Robert Downey Jr

Who is Robert Pattinson favorite costar?

dur Kirsten Stewart he said she was the best actor of the century

Robert Pattinson's favorite part in twilight?

While Robert Pattinson has not explicitly mentioned his favorite part of the Twilight series, he has expressed gratitude for the opportunities the franchise provided him as an actor and the connections he made with his castmates.

Why is your favorite actor Robert Pattinson?

He can act his character with intense ways . He is very gifted . Also he's handsome : )

What is Robert pattinson favourite comic book?

Robert Pattinson is an actor and also a singer. he is best known as role in Twilight as Edward. He has never said what his favorite comic book is.