NO.............He is not dead. You freaking little homos Thx for putting this in all of our heads And thank you for making me cry for an hours...thinking the love of my life is dead!!!!
120 When I was watching a you tube video about Robert Pattinson, I saw this little icon and it said that Robert Pattinson's IQ score was 125, but I do not know if that is true or not.
Robert Pattinson
Robert Pattinson's mums name is Clare Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson!
No its not true, they are not going to be there.
No, Katie does not love Robert Pattinson.
it has been told that Robert Pattinson Has Been going out with Annelyse Schoenberger but this might not be true.
Robert Pattinson's middle name is Thomas.According to Wikipedia, he was born Robert Douglas Thomas Pattinson. Sometimes it's written "Thomas-Pattinson".
no he is not
120 When I was watching a you tube video about Robert Pattinson, I saw this little icon and it said that Robert Pattinson's IQ score was 125, but I do not know if that is true or not.
As of November 2010, he is still living.
depends on who sed it
Robert Pattinson is way better actor!But in singing Micheal Jackson takes it all!This is so true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
FYI Kristen Stewart and Robert Pattinson did not get married becuz Kristen keeps refusing to say yes
Robert Thomas Pattinson.
Robert Pattinson's mom is Clare Pattinson.