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Q: Randall tries to pick up a small bit of plastic wrap that is on his desk. Randall's hand has a negative charge. The piece of plastic has a negative charge. What will happen when Randall's hand gets cl?
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Will a plastic comb with extra electrons have a positive charge?

No, a plastic comb with extra electrons will have a negative charge. The extra electrons give the comb an overall negative charge, not a positive charge.

When you comb your hair with a plastic comb what will the sign be on the charge acquired by the comb?

When you comb your hair with a plastic comb, the comb will acquire a negative charge. This is because the friction between the comb and your hair causes the transfer of electrons, leading to an imbalance of negative charge on the comb.

if you rub a plastic rod with a dry cloth what charge is left on the cloth?

The cloth will acquire a negative charge. Rubbing the plastic rod transfers electrons from the rod to the cloth, leaving the cloth with an excess of electrons, giving it a negative charge.

How would you use a duster to charge a plastic rod?

To charge a plastic rod using a duster, rub the duster against the plastic rod. The friction between the materials will transfer electrons from the duster to the rod, giving the rod a negative charge.

What charge develops on rubbing plastic straw with polythene?

When you rub a plastic straw with polythene, the plastic straw becomes negatively charged due to the transfer of electrons between the materials. Electrons are transferred from the polythene to the plastic straw, leaving the straw with a negative charge.

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a woolen cloth what happens?

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a woolen cloth, electrons are transferred from the wool to the plastic due to the friction between the two materials. This transfer of electrons creates a static charge on the plastic rod, giving it a negative charge and the wool a positive charge.

Use your understanding of static charge to explain how plastic wrap clings to a neutral glass bowl?

When you unroll plastic wrap from the roll, it acquires a negative static charge. The neutral glass bowl has positive charges on its surface, causing an attraction between the negative charge on the plastic wrap and the positive charges on the bowl. This attraction is what causes the plastic wrap to cling to the glass bowl.

When a plastic rod is rubbed with wool the wool acquires positive charge because?

When a plastic rod is rubbed with wool, electrons are transferred from the wool to the plastic rod. This leaves the wool with a net positive charge due to the loss of electrons, while the plastic rod acquires a net negative charge due to gaining these electrons.

What charge is electrons?

Electrons have a negative charge.

What charge is a negative?

A charge which is not a positive charge is a negative charge.

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a cloth the plastic rod gains what?

When a plastic rod is rubbed with a cloth, the plastic rod gains a static electric charge. This charge is due to the transfer of electrons between the rod and the cloth, creating an imbalance of positive and negative charges on the rod's surface.

Electrons characteristically have a?

The electron has a negative electrical charge.