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Q: Puddle is to pool as caution is to?
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Related questions

What is a small pool of water called?

A puddle is a very small pool, usually left by a rain storm.

What is the hyperbole of a deep puddle of water?

I am as deep as the Atlantic Ocean :)

What is puddles?

A puddle is a small pool of water, usually found on a road or path.

How do you get rid of the the frogs eggs in a child's puddle pool without killing them?

either adoped them or kill them.

What is a puddle?

A puddle is a small accumulation of water on the ground, typically caused by rain or a spill. It can vary in size and depth and usually forms in low-lying areas where water collects.

What type of energy that is greater in the swimming pool with a temperature of 24c then in a puddle with a temperature of 24c?

The swimming pool would have more thermal energy than the puddle at the same temperature of 24°C due to its larger volume of water. This is because thermal energy is directly related to the amount of matter (in this case water) present, so a larger body of water like a swimming pool will contain more thermal energy compared to a small puddle.

A small body of water on the ground after it rains?

That is referred to as a puddle. Puddles form when water collects in a depression on the ground, such as in potholes or indentations in the soil. They are temporary and usually evaporate or soak into the ground over time.

Do you drain a pool in the winter?

No it is best not to> if you drain a pool there is always a risk that groundwater will get under it and you end up with a pool floating like a boat in a puddle. it will never settle down properly again. Find out about winterising your pool from a local pool shop, they will give you all the pointers you need,

Is pool a verb?

It can be. The noun pool refers to a swimming structure, a billards game, or a betting method. The verb "pool" can mean to gather in one place (puddle) or to create shared resources (combine). Examples: The spilled liquid will pool around the drain. We must pool our money to fix the sidewalk.

A small body of water?

A small body of water could be a puddle left after it has stopped raining, or a pool of water that is a garden feature, and so on.

What should you do if there is no lifeguard on duty at the swimming pool?

freeze the water and go ice skating. ask anyone at the pool when the lifeguard will be on duty. dont swim. swim with caution.

What is the music video with a ball of clay turns into a man meets a girl at a swimming pool and showers at the end turns into a clay puddle?

alex gopher- party people!