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Q: Over a few million years in africa droughts have often caused grasses and shrubs to die some years while tall trees survived because of this giraffes with very long necks could feed in the trees while?
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What is Lady Gaga's favorite flower?

she has more of a favour for exotic grasses as opposed to actual flowers. She has her own indoor desert where she grows marram grass and several other xerophytes. WHY WOULD YOU WANT TO KNOW THAT!! ¬_¬

What is climax vegetation how does it work?

The final stage of succession when the plant community remains relatively stable and unchanging. at the climax, the vegetation is balance with existing environmental conditions ( ie climate & soil). The climax vegt is the most complex group of plants in an area & develops over a long period

What is corning?

Corn, also known as maize, is one of the most successful cereal grasses of all time. It has been under human cultivation for over 10,000 years and has spread itself into every niche of commercial agriculture. Like most grain producing grasses, corn is an annual that must be replanted each year. While corn originates in the New World, it is grown all over the world and used for a staggering array of products. Corn is far more productive than most cereal crops and able to sustain a higher population than relatives like wheat, rye, or rice. Corn grows in warm weather and usually matures in late summer. The stalks can grow between three feet (one meter) and 20 feet (six meters) tall, depending upon the cultivar. At one point, there were thousands of varieties of corn in production, but these numbers have since dwindled to less than one hundred hardy, predictable varieties with large fleshy kernels. Corn grows in ears, tight clusters of kernels around a central core or cob that is covered in a leafy husk. Corn has been bred in such a way that it has difficulty reproducing without human assistance, thanks to this husk. Archaic forms of corn would be unrecognizable to modern consumers. Corn's ancestor was probably a small grass with ears approximately two inches (five centimeters) long. People determined to eke some sort of nutritional value out of the grass bred corn to the plant we are familiar with today, and it quickly diffused all over the United States. Corn would have been popular among early Americans because it was nutritious, easy to cultivate, tasty, and high yielding. As a commercial crop, corn is everywhere. It is one of the most intensively genetically modified crops, which has led to serious discussion and comment both inside and outside the agricultural industry. Corn is also one of the most grown crops globally, with thousands of acres being dedicated around the world to the high intensity production of corn crops. Corn is also used in everything imaginable. In addition to being eaten straight off the cob or popped, corn is used to manufacture corn syrup, a wildly successful artificial sweetener. Corn is also used to synthesize a number of compounds used in manufacturing processes, such as corn starch, which is in everything from cardboard to biodegradable containers. Corn is extensively cultivated to produce animal feed, with all feedlot animals consuming pounds of the crop each day. In addition, corn is used in the manufacture of alcohol and ethanol, a commonly used alternative fuel.

What do black stallion horses eat?

A black stallion is a horse, and like any other horse, its food needs will depend on its size and work level. Horses eat grass, and in the wild this is the only food they would readily eat. However, in winter, horses will eat hay, bran and chaff. If there is snow on the ground or little grass (or if the grass is dead in summer) they will need supplementary feeding on quality hay. Horses that are being worked will need concentrates to keep their energy up, such as oats, corn or commercial horse feed. The more time a horse spends under saddle (or pulling a plough, or on the lunge line, or working in any other way) the more concentrates it will need to stay in condition. Retired horses, foals and horses that are not under work often do not need concentrates.A stallion is a male horse. Horses eat grasses like oats, wheat, or barley. They graze in open grass lands. Horses do not eat other animals, they are called herbivores.

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Over a few million years in Africa, droughts have often caused grasses and shrubs to die some years, while tall trees survived Because of this, giraffes with very long necks could feed in the trees w?

directional selection:]

Over a few million years in Africa droughts have often caused grasses and shrubs to die some years while tall trees survived Because of this giraffes with very long necks could feed in the trees w?

directonal SELECTION

Over a few million years in Africa droughts have often caused grasses and shrubs to die some years while tall trees survived. Because of this giraffes with very long necks could feed in the trees whil?

directional selection= A+ Answer

What do giraffes consume?

Giraffes are herbivores and browse mainly on the leaves of trees, bushes, and will also graze on grasses.

Why do giraffes eat bones?

well giraffes dont eat bones! giraffes eat leaves and other grasses where ever you heard that giraffes eat bones is wrong!!!!!!!

What are the Environmental pressures and variations of giraffes?

Environmental pressures Availability food with droughts and global warming available vegetation can be limited. A variation of a giraffe is its long neck

Do giraffes gather food?

No, they just eat it. They eat tree leaves and grasses right from the tree or ground.

Is a giraffe nocturnal?

Most giraffes are not nocturnal. They feed on leaves and grasses throughout their day and then go to sleep at night.

How does the giraffe attack its prey?

Giraffes are not predators, they are herbivores. That is, they eat plants rather than attacking other animals.

What is a description for the savanna?

Moderately low rainfall with long periods of droughts. Mostly inhabited by grasses, low and sparce trees and shrubs, and grazing animals plus their predators.

Why do camels have tough tongues and teeth?

I think its because out in the desert the only food they can find is small hard clumps of dried grasses and thorns. Quite a lot of animals have tough mouths because they eat food like thorns (eg. Elephants, Giraffes) Hope that helps.

Why can a giraffe and a gazelle live together in the same habitat in th Savannah?

Because of different heights and reach, giraffes browse the upper branches of the trees, while gazelles graze grasses, and browse on bushes and lower branches. So they do not compete directly for food.