the oldest is a girl name natasha brianna Rosa and a boy named brendon jarvis trever calliver
Duncan from total drama island is 17. He went to jail several times and he likes Courtney from total drama island.
she pukes BEFORE she kisses him ddddddddddddddduuuuuuuuuuuuuuuhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Duncan,Dj,Geoff, Bridgett,Courtney,Eva,Harold,Ezekiel,Katie,Sadie, and Tyler
The total drama island special called total drama drama drama drama island is not available on itunes because of publishing wars.
Total Drama Island season 3 is actually called Total Drama Musical and the contestants are Bridgette, Cody, Courtney, Dj, Duncan, Geoff, Gwen, Heather, Izzy(E-scope), Leshawna, Lindsay, Noah, Trent, Tyler, and last but definatly not least, my favorite,.........HAROLD!!!!
Courtneys full name is not revealed on Total Drama Island. The full name of the person who plays her (does the voice), however, is Emilie-Claire Barlow.
Duncan from total drama island is 17. He went to jail several times and he likes Courtney from total drama island.
Duncan marries Courtney in Total Drama Island. Even though they are married Courtney at one point wanted to divorce Duncan.
The answer is Duncan
Duncan's dog's name is Petey
drew nelson
Dukon isn't a character. I assume you mean Duncan. Duncan is voiced by Drew Nelson in Total Drama island, Total Drama Action, and Total Drama World Tour
duncan does
It is Duncan because on episode 21 he rights on wooden head Duncan + Courtney
duncan Michel john calliver
its fan art