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In the game you actually play as Revan, but you don't realize it until well into the game, you were defeated and captured by Bastilla and the Jedi, but instead of killing you they wiped your memory and started your training as a Jedi. Bastillas fate is decided by you in game play, she can be a Jedi on the side of good, or for evil, or you may even kill her when she confronts you on the mystery planet.

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Q: On star wars KOTOR What happened to Revan and Bastilla?
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What books does Darth revan appear in?

--Update-- Darth Revan can be found in the novel 'Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan' Along with a countless number of KotOR comic books.

Can you get revan's suit in kotor 1?

You can get his robes on the star forge if you're dark side aligned but anything else is done using mods.

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you cant get his mask period actually you can it is in the star forge downstairs but you have to be good in order to get it i shoud know iamrevan lol

How do you get darrth revan robes in kotor 1?

Near the end of the game there is a room in the star forge with some containers surrounded by an energy field and a console. If you have enough spikes, you can use the console to produce the Star Forge robes if you are lightside/neutral or Darth Revan's robes if you are darkside.

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Without wanting to spoil the ending of KOTOR, the redeemed Darth Revan kills Malak on the Star Forge in the game's final levels.

Who is Revan voiced by in Star Wars The Old Republic?

Jeff Bennett voices Darth Revan in the 2011 video game.

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How did Darth Revan die?

After defeating Darth Malak, Revan journeyed into unkown space, leaving behind the ones who accompanied him in his quests to find the Star Forge. Darth Revan's death is not known, and he is not spoken of after that.

What dark lord is the best in Star Wars?

I WOULD HAVE TO SAY DARTH REVAN U GOT TO ADMIT HW WAS PRETTY POWERFUL IF U EVER PLAYED STAR WARS kotOR YOU KNOW WHAT IM TALKING ABOUT I'd say it's Darth Bane because he is the reason why sith don't work in groups like the used to.

What happened with revan?

It is believed that he sought to find a Great Sith Lord in the Unknown regions of space, and.. He succeeded...... If you wish to know what happened afterwards like the rest of us, your just gonna have to sit tight for Bioware's Epic 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' MMORPG -UPDATE-- If you are yet to play 'Star Wars: The Old Republic', then here is a brief explanation from an imperial player's point of view: Revan is captured by the Sith Emperor and imprisoned for three centuries, he escapes and flees to the Foundry (A large space station, capable of producing thousands of powerful droids and is considered to be almost as powerful as the Star Forge) to which an Imperial strike team is sent to kill Revan, after the battle Revan says some words (like a prayer, don't know what to call it) and simply vanishes! No one knows exactly what happened. Some believe he did die and became one with the force, others say he used some unknown force power to 'teleport' away. Like I said, that is from an Imperial point of view, the Republic one is different and I am yet to play it. I also suggest you read 'Star Wars: The Old Republic - Revan', a novel based prior to the events of SW:TOR and after the events of KotOR

Where did Revan go after finding the Star Forge?

Darth revan sought a Great Sith lord in the Unknown Regions of the Galaxy, and he succeeded, no one knows exactly what happens after, so we will have to wait for the release of 'Star Wars: The Old Republic' to unlock these dark secrets, and find out what fate revan had endured

How do you get revan as e Jedi when you start a new game in Star Wars kotor 1?

Yes all you have to do is make Revan go to the dark side throughout the game and when you confront Bastilla on the unknown world acknowledge that you are Darth Revan and turn against Jolee and Juhanni. When you finally go to the Star Forge you will get Darth Revan Robes instead of Star Forge Robes when you go to the machine.