According to the Sonic Team, Nazo the Hedgehog was intended to play a large role in Sonic X (the TV series) season 4. For why he was cut is unknown. There are 2 fanfics (fan fictions) of Nazo the Hedgehog entitled "The Power of Nazo" and "Nazo Unleashed", of which both were created by the same person. These, however are, of course, fan-made, and are possibly untrue. The only reason Nazo was discovered is because of the picture Nazo.jpg. This was implied as Nazo's given name. This is questionable because "nazo" in Japanese means "mystery". Nazo, right now remains a "nazo" until Sonic Team decides to revive him. That will only happen if the popularity of Nazo rises and demand for information or a game introducing him would convince the developers. The problem is: How do we get the attention in order to make them do so? There are rumors that Nazo is a fan character, which are completely untrue. As stated previously, he was supposed to be a main character in Sonic X. There are rumors that Nazo was cut because developers couldn't think up a storyline for him.
nazo was never a character he was most likely a failed character that they never got around to adding furthermore the name means mystery so he could be a something the creator wanted people to wonder about we will never know
sonic the hedgehog is more famous
sonic the hedgehog
Sonic the Hedgehog is better known to both generations so Sonic the Hedgehog is more famous than Cookie Monster
Sonic The Hedgehog
Nazo is a hedgehog.
I think Nazo the hedgehog is 19 years old
Well....Nazo is a hedgehog yes but he dosent have a real name Nazo in Japanese means mystery so to awnser you question yes he is a hedgehog not a popular but a hedgehog. Thanks for the comment it helped me a lot so it means hes real but he doesnt have a real name
He is a fan made character.
Nazo the Hedgehog is the strongest Sonic character.
As an anthropomorphic character created for entertainment purposes, Nazo does not have a specified age within the fictional Sonic the Hedgehog universe.
Nazo is a character from a fan-made animated series called "Sonic: Nazo Unleashed," which features a powerful enemy created by Doctor Eggman to defeat Sonic. Nazo is known for his immense strength and abilities, posing a significant threat to Sonic and his friends.
1. Sonic the Hedgehog 2. Shadow the Hedgehog 3. Scourge the Hedgehog 4. Nazo the Hedgehog 5. Jet the Hawk 6. Metal Sonic 7. Mecha Sonic 8. Blaze the Cat 9. Silver the Hedgehog 10. Knuckles the Echinda
No. There was originally going to be a white hedgehog, codenamed Nazo, but he was dropped too. It is possible that he inspired Silver's design. Silver, on the other hand, wasn't created when Sonic X was made.
If you have seen Nazo Unleashed on Youtube, then you noticed that there's a button that says "play" and it automatically presses. The real website where Nazo Unleashed was first uploaded on was If you're talking about being able to play it as a flash game, then no, you can't play it. It's just a video that has a "play" button, but it means playing it as a video.
Shadic is the fusion between Sonic and Shadow. See it on Nazo Unleashed its awesome! In SA2 there is a glitch where you can see Shadic, go to 2P pick Sonic and Shadow, get a check point, then make them both die, they will be Shadic.
You could be thinking of Nazo, he was a dropped character n Sonic X