The song is entitled 'Dragostea Din Tea' by the Romanian pop band 'O-Zone.' It is more commonly known around the world as 'The Numa Numa Dance'
He was hunting wolverines in alasks with his uncle. He used a frickin twelve guadge. What would you do in a situation like that?
They could not be more different. Dynamite is sawdust or clay, soaked in liquid nitroglycerine, formed into a cylinder, and wrapped in paper. TNT is the abbreviation of trinitrotoluene, a flakey, yellow substance, often formed into a stick and used similarly to dynamite. TNT can also be used in chemistry to create charge transfer salts.
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Apito is the whistle used in samba music and other Brazilian music styles.
He was hunting wolverines in alasks with his uncle. He used a frickin twelve guadge. What would you do in a situation like that?
-The dynamite exploded in the building -Dynamite is very dangerous. -Dynamite is used in war.
Dynamite was not known in 1800.
dynamite was first used in 1866 right after it was invented
Dynamite is used in bombs as it is an explosive substance.
Peanuts were (and probably still are) used in dynamite.
dynamite is used for blowing things unwanted up. if its put in the wrong hands it can be very dangerous.
Dynamite was predominately used for quarrying and mining. not to mention the role it played in the building of the railroads
The miner used dynamite to blast through the rock and access the valuable minerals below ground.
The builders used dynamite to blow up the building.
Stopped used the dynamite by Jeoporty
how much dynamite did mount Rushmore use