Leo's first appearance in Charmed was in the first season, episode 3. It's called 'thank you for not morphing.'
Leo wyatts real name is Brain Krause.
Brian Krause
Brian Krause
Leo's first appearance in Charmed was in the first season, episode 3. It's called 'thank you for not morphing.'
Leo wyatts real name is Brain Krause.
Brian Krause
Brian Krause
Let Prue Go Out The Date With Leo Wyatt Please Married Leo
Not really they were just misunderstood and Leo became one and the charmed ones had to keep Brody way from Leo because Brody wanted to kill him
Scry Hard
Thank You For Not Morphing
HELL NO Leo is to cute to kill but Leo has 2 be frozen for the entire season until last 2 episodes
Charmed - 1998 There's Something About Leo 7-9 is rated/received certificates of: Hungary:12 Mexico:B USA:TV-PG