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Lou Ferrigno

The problem with answering this question is because there is no standard to what is big.

A taller bodybuilder will naturally weigh more than a shorter bodybuilder, but does that make him bigger or just weigh more?

when deciding big in bodybuilding we are always talking muscle to height ratio. since we can't determine how much a person's bones weigh we include them in weight. with this in mind we determine how big a bodybuilder really is.

example a person 65inches tall weighing 200 lbs is bigger than another person 75 inches tall weighing 225 lbs.

This is determined by weight to height ration which is 3.07 for the short man and 3.0 for the taller. using a weight to height ratio will help keep size comparable but never make it completely fair as the taller a person is the wider he must be to support his height and actually the bigger he is.

Lou Ferrigno at his largest in competition was 4.0 while Ronnie Coleman was 4.102 there are people who are a little bigger than both of them.

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βˆ™ 15y ago
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βˆ™ 12y ago

the largest biceps of any bodybuilder will very every year. Victor Richards had about 26-27 inch arms, off season. Jeep swenson had like 28-29 inch arms just befor his death from steriods. Greg Kovacs is close to like 27 inch in off season.

Vic Richards does not have nor ever has had 26-27 inch arms. He exaggerated every stat about himself, such as his claim to weigh 320 pounds in competition shape. At most, his arms were probably 23-23.5 inches and he weighed 260 onstage. No one has ever had non-synthol-injected arms above 25 inches, and most of the world class bodybuilders who are Olympia contenders have arms measuring between 21 and 24 inches, depending on bulk and height...and FYI Jeep Swenson did not die from steroids.. YES AND NO: -No one- dies "from steroids", steroids are always a step or two back in the chain of causality, ie: You take steroids, consume massive calories, weigh over 400 lbs of solid muscle, & die of a heart attack at age 40..these aren't unrelated! ***Keep in kind that no statistic is more prone to exaggeration than the circumference of a bodybuilder's upper arm: It's suits the man's ego, & it's "good for business" . In the early '70s, Arthur Jones measured the upper arm of top bodybuilders; the -only- unbiased measurement ever taken: The biggest arms belonged to Arnold Schwarzeneggar & Sergio Oliva. Magazines listed them each as 22.5". Actual measurement: Arnold a bit under 20"/ Sergio a bit over 20". Yes, there have since been bigger men with bigger arms. The point is that they all add at -least- 2" to their true size.***

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βˆ™ 11y ago

Its almost impossible to say who is the most famous teen bodybuilder. It would depend on ones definition of famous. It could be argued Arnold Schwarzenegger is the most famous teen bodybuilder having started when he was 14. Lorenzo Becker is said to be the biggest teen bodybuilder in history is he too could be said to be the most famous.

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βˆ™ 10y ago

The biggest female bodybuilder in the world was Juan Carlos Lopez. She is an individual with incredibly large muscles all over her body.

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Branch warren

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yassir fazal

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Q: Largest bodybuilder arms in the world?
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