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I personally know the Jonas brothers, not kidding, honestly. they have tickle fights all the time...its almost insane its funny to watch. Usually Joe starts it and then picks on Nick who is CRAZY ticklish. then Kevin helps whoevers losing which is usally Nick and then Frankie watchs to feel included and clibs onto whoever is attacking JOe

its pretty funny

hopes this helps! I'm not lying by the way

well I don't know the Jonas brothers, but they are brothers so they probly tickle each other, brothers tickle each other alot, or fun or just to make each other mad or annoyed, and there brothers so im sure they tickle each other, prbly nick most of the time cuz hes the youngest

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βˆ™ 13y ago
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βˆ™ 13y ago

multiple times a day. everyone forgets to take their meds. him more than others. Kevin is also thought to have severe bladder issues. he makes multiple trips when performing. if he follows nick.. you know why..


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βˆ™ 16y ago

yes he tickled nick all the time and nick is crazy ticklish so he burst out into laughter and he can't put himself free about joe's tickle torture

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βˆ™ 14y ago

mabey it depends on where you tickle him and how fast you'll try to tickle him

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