The 1989 Batman movie with Michael Keaton as Batman. Directed by Tim Burton.
Jack Napier
Jack Nicholson played Jack Napier
Jack Nicholson. no it was Cesar romero
3 live action films. They are: Batman: The Movie (Caesar Romero) Batman (Jack Nicholson) The Dark Knight (Heath Ledger) In animation, Joker is most often voiced by Mark Hamill.
the actor who played, "chief" thought it was best to kill him and then take jack with him spiritually on their escape rather than leave jack behind after suffering a lobotomy.
The Joker character was not in 'Batman Returns', but he was in the 1989 version 'Batman' played by Jack Nicholson.
Jack Napier
Jack Nicholson played Jack Napier
Probably when he was the Joker in Batman.
Batman: The Movie- Cesar Romero Batman- Jack Nicholson The Dark Knight- Heath Ledger Mark Hamill was the voice actor for the Joker in the animated series.
The Joker (Jack Nicholson).
Jack Nicholson. no it was Cesar romero
Tim burtons 1989 batman
Ceasar Romero was the first joker in a TV series back in the 1960's, but the Joker's character was half based on Conrad Veidt's character in The Man who Laughs back in the 20s, & many concider him to be the first.
I'm not sure if I completely understand your question, but Jack Nicholson played the Joker in the 1989 movie Batman, directed by Tim Burton with an iconic soundtrack composed by Danny Elfman.
If you're talking about the original Batman from the 1960s TV show, the actor was Cesar Romero. If you're talking about the Batman movie with Michael Keaton as Batman, the actor playing the Joker was Jack Nicholson. In conclusion, they decide The Joker needed a real name in the movies and cartoons so they came up with Jack Napier. However, in the comics, it is never revealed.
Jack Nicholson and in the new movie The Dark Knight, he was played by the late Heath Ledger.