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woodwinds were called on to play the melody at times (apex)

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11y ago
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17y ago

A classical orchestra is an orchestra that uses the following instruments: Violin, Viola, Cello, Bass, Flute, Piccolo*, Oboe, English Horn*, Clarinet, Bass Clarinet*, Bassoon, Contrabassoon*, Trumpet, Trombone, Bass Trombone, Tuba, Harp*, Keyboard/piano*, Timpani &other percussion *The asterisk denotes that the instrument is not always used, but may be added for certain effects/pieces.

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11y ago

1. There are many styles of music within Classical Music, including symphony, Opera, choral works, chamber music, Gregorian chant, the madrigal, and the Mass.

2. The term classical music was not used until the early 19th century in order to canonize the period from Bach to Beethoven as an impressive, "golden" era of music.

3. Classical music is considered primarily a written musical tradition, preserved in music notation on paper instead of being passed along orally or in recordings.

4. Classical works show a great deal of musical sophistication and use development, key changes, variation, musical phrases of varying lengths, counterpoint, polyphony and advanced harmony development.

5. Classical music typically uses very specific instruments, most markedly those invented before mid-10th century and adopted in the 18th and 19th centuries, such as instruments like violin, cello, viola, woodwind instruments, brass instruments and other instruments in the orchestra and solo instruments such as piano, harpsichord, organ and guitar.

  1. Who was the first great rock star? Franz Liszt. Women swooned when the amazingly handsome and brilliant pianist performed in public. They threw personal items to the stage, including notes with their addresses. They even scrambled to collect his cigar butts, as gross as that might sound.
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12y ago

well its in the past

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6y ago

That's correct.

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7y ago

Yes, that's correct.

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