No. A band by the name of the "o'Jays" sang love train.
Train is not a Christian band. Rather, they are a secular band. However, they're lyrics may have a Christian meaning, but that does not make them a Christian band.
wired on blow and also packing..dude was a paranoid train wreck
Josh Turner wrote the song "Long Black Train".
Soul Asylum
Well i know sour diesel and train wreck are strands of weed and train wreck is also a street name for the hallucinogenic drug Datura
It depends on the severity of the train wreck, but yes, you can die in a train wreck.
Eden train wreck happened in 1904.
Gibson train wreck happened in 1912.
Woodbridge train wreck happened on 1951-02-06.
Rockport train wreck happened on 1925-06-16.
Bagley train wreck happened on 1944-12-31.
Glenrock train wreck happened on 1923-09-23.
Connellsville train wreck happened on 1903-12-23.
Stockton train wreck happened on 1944-08-04.
Wreck of the Tennessee Gravy Train was created in 1930.
Onawa train wreck happened on 1919-12-20.