Unfortunatelly no, they shut down the game on August 29, 2013 and there appears to be no way to play it anymore.
Im not gonna play any longer
Mikey Way from My Chemical Romance is still married.
mock hunt means a way of hunting in which acting like mock,and create voices like hue,haw etc. during this hunting they make fun and play in uncivilized way and not showing any manners.
The genre of music that Saving Abel play is rock, which is labeled as post grunge, because it was influenced by it. This style of alternative rock is so called because of the way the Saving Abel band play their guitar and sing in a certain way.
An easy way is to enter in the code ffcfreezerflames while the code is still lyable. you will get bigchill wings.
no, bots and all other acclaim games are gone.
play it Any way
No there is not a way to stop paying for foopets if you still want to play it.
yes, i play. fire red by the way. i still play too(: [firered & emerald & PKMN XD:GOD)
glue borax water
play outside its a fun way to play without the hassale
Sorry, no.
The only way to play the 'old' version is to play it on the UK, which is still in beta
still play