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no. you can make one just pick the day u want it to be and youre set

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Q: Is there a slap girl in the butt day?
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How would a girl react if you asked if I can kiss her butt?

well she would get mad and probably slap you in the face so the best advise is dont ask a girl if you can kiss their butt

When was the last time you were slap on the butt?

just the other day dummy i am only one day old stupid

How do you make a boy slap your butt or breasts'?

You slap THIER butt or boobs and they'll return the favor.

What is an Indian Touchdown?

It's when you do a girl in the butt while you shove your hand down their throat and repeatedly slap her in the face.

Why is slap day celebrated?

slap day is celbrated msy be b'coz girl or boy may come to know each others affairs they had ever b4

How do you put your butt in paper?

You get millions of paper and slap your butt in it. Then get someone to glue it for you.

What happens when you bite somebodies butt?

they slap you

What not to do to a girl?

slap her NEVER EVER slap a girl its illegal

What is slap day of Valentine's Day?

Slap a happy couple, its also hug a nerd day, and the day after is slap a nerd day.

Do nick Jonas slap's girl's butt's?

NO, they have values and beliefs they also wear purity rings which is a promise they made to god they won't have sex until they are married.

How do you slap a girls butt without her getting mad at you?

You don't.

Why does rikishi slap his butt?

Because Rikishi's Butt is he's weapon to fight and he need warm he's arm (big butt) or terrorize he's rival