wat about it? rather than its completely awesome and the best book in the world. (maybe better than twilight) READ IT NOW!!!It is most definitely better than Twilight.
Sith, Darksider, Dark Jedi
No one person really started the Dark Side of the force. It always was an aspect of the force and the force has been in the galaxy as long as there has been life. The first Jedi to use the dark side was Xendor. His choice to use this aspect of the force would lead to the formation of the Sith as we know them today.
The Blind Side of Human Nature.
YES THERE WILL BE!! :))) It's called "Jessica Rules the Dark Side" and it comes out January 9, 2012. http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10025007-jessica-rules-the-dark-side
Yes, it is coming out fall 2011. Right now it's called Jessica's guide to Ruling the Dark side.
Yes. It is called Jessica Rules The Dark Side.
Beth,is writing a seqquel to jessica's guide its called Jessica rules the dark side it come out fall 2011 and her other book is jekel love hyde which already came out
wat about it? rather than its completely awesome and the best book in the world. (maybe better than twilight) READ IT NOW!!!It is most definitely better than Twilight.
Well you can buy it from a bookstore and read it or on www.borders.com, you can type in Jessica's guide to dating on the dark side and look in the Look Inside section. There are about 50-70 pages that you can read on line.
Beth Fantaskey has written young adult novels such as "Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side" and "Jekel Loves Hyde." She is known for her vampire-themed stories with a mix of romance and humor.
Yes. It was called "It's a Trap"
As far as I know,no, it won't.
There will not be a sequel to the Blind Side.
Eternal Champions, a 2D fighting game was released by Sega in 1993. Two years later, the sequel, titled "Eternal Champions: Challenge from the Dark Side", was released.