Yes , The Lord of the Rings shire is set in New Zealand where I believe the set still remains for fans.But there are real places naturally like the shire such as Ireland and in places in Europe such as Sweden Austria In the summer.Which like the shire , have lush green fields and sloping valleys however Do not contain Hobbits and power rings ( as I'm aware ).
SR indicates Shire Reckoning and refers to the system of tracking years.
The hobbits of the Shire might describe describe Gandalf as wise, powerful, and fun-filled.(Gandalf is over 3000 years old!)
Some of the hobbits in The Lord of the Rings (Frodo, Sam, and Bilbo) live in Hobbiton, which is a town in the Shire. Merry and Pippin live in other places in the Shire. There are dozens of other villages in the Shire in the maps provided by Tolkien where hobbits dwell, as well as the hobbits that live in Bree and surrounding places.
The first ever Lord of the Rings movie was The Lord of the Rings (1978), but of the trilogy starting in 2001, the first movie was called The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring.
Frodo is 50 years old when he leaves the Shire in "The Lord of the Rings."
Frodo was 50 years old when he left the Shire on his epic journey in "The Lord of the Rings" series.
In Eriador, in the west.
The Shire (Of Middle Earth) .
Matamata , New Zealand .
Major spoiler for the book, but he is called Sharkey at the end in the scouring of the Shire.
In the lord of the rings, Frodo Baggins leaves the shire with Samwise Gamgee.
New Zealand and Greece
Bilbo lived in Bag End, a very nice hobbit hole near Hobbiton. At the beginning of The Lord of the Rings, Bilbo leaves Bag End to his heir Frodo and moves to Rivendell where he lives with the elves.
A family of Hobbits that live in the Shire.
Bilbo baggins is in the hobbit and the lord of the rings and so is Gandalf. The Shire is also involved. Gollum (smeagol) and the ring are also involved.
It's supposedly an idealized view of rural living in medieval England.