No, but there is a name that is Destiny Hope Cyrus which is Miley Cyrus's real born name.
Hala Sedki's birth name is Hala Sedki George Yonan.
Her name is Laura Seay.
it is THEODORE LONG ,the former general manager of smack down,who says hala hala..
Destiny Matranga's birth name is Destiny Rael Matranga.
Hala gorani is married to lebanese singer George wassouf
Seay's birth name is Melissa Seay Harshaw.
Bobby Seay's birth name is Robert Michael Seay.
James Seay's birth name is James W. Seay.
Hala Sedki's birth name is Hala Sedki George Yonan.
Tagalog Translation of PINEAPPLE: pinya
hala means welcome or hello. it can also mean the halo around the moon :) its a really creative unique name
A baby name website, BabyCenter, estimates that since 2006, 32 babies of every one million born in the United States are named Hala. From the 1920s to 2006, an average of about 10 babies per million is estimated to have the name Hala. Another website, HowManyOfMe, estimates that there are fewer than 1,627 people in the US who go by the name Hala.
Her name is Laura Seay.
the last name 'seay' means power! and that's toally my last name! and my dad makes fun of it he says 'no man should contain all this power'! wowowow! cheesy,but cute:]
it is THEODORE LONG ,the former general manager of smack down,who says hala hala..