The questioner is probably asking about the album called "Horizon" by the Dutch group called "BZN". Their female singer at the time of this recording was Carola Smit.
Actually the female equivalent of the Swedish name "Sven" is "Svenja". According to different sources "Svenja" is not very common in Nordic countries, though.
Dutch Hillenburg goes by Dutch.
It is same barber. Just as opposite gender of soldier is soldier. When a traditionally a male profession would not have a female equivalent similarly seamstress will not have a male equivalent.
No, Taylor Lautner does not speak Dutch.
A Dutch Rudder is when one man takes his own penis in his hand and another person grabs his arm and pull it up and down...It's sort of like a cross between masturbation and a handjob.You are still holding your penis, but the other person is still moving your arm."...She gave him a dutch rudder last night..." it feels so good
"Zwak" is one Dutch equivalent of "weak."Specifically, the Dutch and the English words are adjectives. The Dutch equivalent of "weaker" is "zwakker." The Dutch equivalent of "weakest" is "zwakst".
Ik is a Dutch equivalent of 'I'.
'male' is in Dutch 'mannelijk'. 'Female' or 'feminine' is in Dutch 'vrouwelijk'.
Pantoffel is a Dutch equivalent of 'slipper'.
Vreselijk is a Dutch equivalent of 'appalling'.
Dokter is a Dutch equivalent of 'doctor'.
Lid is a Dutch equivalent of 'member'.
Klein is a Dutch equivalent of 'tiny'.
Februari is a Dutch equivalent of 'February'.
Bruin is a Dutch equivalent of 'brown'.
Windmolen is a Dutch equivalent of 'windmill'.