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Here are some animes similar to Mamotte Lollipop (Save Me Lollipop)!

Zero No Zsukisima (The Familliar Of Zero).

Shugo Chara!

Tokyo Mew Mew

Watch these animes on YouTube, Gogoanime or Watchanimeon I reccomand these sites. If you want more information about these animes type on Google : -------- (The anime's name) and then write Wikipedia.

By the way Shugo Chara is really popular! (But I don't like it).

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Q: Is there a anime like Save me Lollipop?
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How many Save you Lollipop seasons are there?

For the manga there are two "mamotte lollipop" and "modotte mamotte lollipop", but for the anime there is 1 season with 13 episodes.

Is there a show called modotte?

'Modotte! Mamotte! Lollipop' is also known in the US as the anime series 'Save Me! Lollipop ' .

Where are websites to download free anime ie Mamotte lollipop dubbed aka save me lollipop and soul eater?

I don't know a site where you can downloading it but you can watch save me lollipop at the funimation site and soul eater is on funimation's youtube channel :)

When will Mamotte Lollipop episode three come out?

FUNimation will release the American version of the 13-episode anime series ("Save me, Lollipop!") on December 24, 2009.

Is there an anime of Madotte Mamotte Lollipop?

There is a 13 episode series of "Mamotte! Lollipop" .

Where can you find mamotte lollipop and shugo chara English episodes dubbed online to watch?

You may be able to find dubbed episodes of "Mamotte Lollipop" and "Shugo Chara" on streaming platforms like Crunchyroll, Funimation, or Hulu. You can also check websites that specialize in hosting anime content like Netflix or Amazon Prime Video. Alternatively, you can search for these episodes on legal anime streaming websites for a better viewing experience.

Is there a sequel to mamotte lollipop the anime?


Who is the creator of the anime mamotte lollipop?

Michiyo Kikuta .

Is modotte mamotte lollipop become an anime?

There are 13 episodes of "Mamotte! Lollipop" ; see relevant link .

What is season 3 for mamotte lollipop called?

There is no season 3 or season 2 for the Mamotte! Lollipop anime.

Is there any anime show like kamichama karin?

Yes, you can try Pita-Ten or Mamotte! Lollipop, which are similar