Yes RedFoo (Doesnt wear lenses in his glasses) is the Nephew of SkyBlu,(The small chubby one).
The song "Sexy and I Know It" is performed by the group LMFAO.
phillip kim from buckley school
LMFAO is song artists who make pop music
Shots by LMFAO. Hope you like the song!(:
Yes lmfao is a good band. they may need some words bleeped out, but there still good.
LMFAO - group - was created in 2006.
There from america!
The group LMFAO ft. Lauren Bennet and goonrock
I'm hollywood
i think it was questqrew
LMFAO is considered a pop group that started up in 2006 and continues to exist today.
Redfoo and SkyBlu
Redfoo and Skyblue
only if they are related in your dreams, then yes,yes they are PEACE IS GOLDEN
Laughing My Fu**ing A** Off
Yes! Sky blue and red foo are related! Red foo is sky blue's uncle!