No information has been released indicating that Howard and Craig Charles are related.
Craig Kelly - actor - was born on 1970-10-31.
The actor who plays Craig from the show "Sanjay and Craig" is Chris Hardwick.
Leslie Howard - actor - died on 1943-06-01.
The names "Ronald" and "Howard" are both fairly common. Ronald Howard, son of Leslie Howard, was a famous British actor. Ron Howard is an American child actor who became a director and filmmaker in adult life. Check the links below for details.
UK actor Craig Vye is 33 years old (born July 19, 1983)
Craig Conway - actor - was born in 1975.
Craig Kelly - actor - was born on 1970-10-31.
Craig Hall - actor - was born on 1974-05-10.
Michael Craig - actor - was born on 1928-01-27.
Craig Reynolds - actor - was born on 1907-07-15.
Craig Reynolds - actor - died on 1949-10-22.
Daniel Craig is a/an Actor
Terrence Howard is an African-American actor and musician.
The actor who plays Craig from the show "Sanjay and Craig" is Chris Hardwick.
The actor ,Skandar Keynes ( Edmund) in The chronicles of Narnia is the great great great grandson of Charles Darwin.
Leslie Howard - actor - died on 1943-06-01.
Jeremy Howard - actor - was born on 1981-06-12.