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Q: Is the TV show Operation Repo targeted towards white trash and rednecks?
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What do you do after you get the round trash can onto the ledge on wimpy wonderland?

You jump up onto the ledge and push the trash can left, towards the window that Manny entered, and jump up to the window.

How does atticus define trash How does atticus aunt Alexandra?

Atticus defines "trash" as a derogatory term used to describe individuals who lack moral values and integrity. In contrast, Aunt Alexandra views "trash" as a label for people who do not adhere to her strict societal standards and class distinctions. Ultimately, both characters use the term to emphasize the importance of character and behavior.

What country did redneck originated in 1830?

It was an expression used for poor white white farmers in the US. The reason for the name red neck comes from working out in the sun with your head down had that effect on your neck. The same people that used slaves referred to rednecks as white trash.

What is a personification sentence with the word ethical?

The ethical compass of society guides our decisions and actions towards fairness and justice.

Can black people be rednecks?

Yes they can. Anyone can be a redneck it doesn't matter if your white or black anyone can do it. The term redneck originally refers to a person that personally works the land,is poor and badly educated similar terms are White trash and trailer trash. However originally you had to be a white man to be a red neck as that is what happened to the back of a mans neck when he worked the land. Today this term seems to aply more to an attitude which can be held by both blacks and whites.

What are the best trash can drawer slides available on the market?

The best trash can drawer slides on the market are typically heavy-duty, full-extension slides made of durable materials like steel or aluminum. Brands like Rev-A-Shelf, Knape Vogt, and Hafele are known for producing high-quality trash can drawer slides that offer smooth operation and long-lasting performance.

What is in a bag of trash?


What is trash rack?

trash rack are silimilar to garbage can or trash bin.

Who is the patron saint of trash?

There is no patron saint of trash or trash collectors.

Where does disposed trash go?

In your town there is a place the trash people burry the trash.

Could you send trash up into space?

it could be possible but would be very very expensive or they could send a rocket into space towards the sun and have a giant door open and have the trash run into the sun and come back but if it failed NASA would lose a lot of money so not likely.

How does trash get into oceans?

trash gets into the ocean by people that just go and put their trash there.