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If you're downloading it from a licensed site, which charges the user a fee based on membership or on a per song basis, then it's perfectly legal. Downloading music for free and not paying any licensing fee is illegal and an infringement of US copyright laws as well as those of the majority of other countries.

Giving music away that you paid for is illegal.

There are sites (notably musicians own home pages) that give away their own music. And there are sites that do have free downloads, paid for through advertising and similar promotions.

There are sites that have "free" music (not restricted by copyright).

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 15y ago

No, you can copy a CD you own as long as you do not intend to do so for profit (i.e. sell it on). Note, you need to own the CD, if you borrow the CD or rent it then you do not have the right to copy the CD - this is theft

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βˆ™ 19y ago

That depends on how you are selling them as well as how you are obtaining them.

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βˆ™ 13y ago

no it is not illegal. as long as you are not doing anything other that putting it on your computer and then putting it on an mp3 or iPod/etc

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βˆ™ 16y ago

no,and yes. if you download freeware files from the internet it cannot be sold for profit. But if you sell it then you broke the copyright protection and you can be fined up to $50,000(U.S.)

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