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Yes, but only when used as the past tense of sawing (Cutting with, or using a saw). You would not say "I sawed my doctor yesterday", unless you actually cut him into pieces.

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Q: Is sawed a word
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Related questions

How many phonemes in the word sawed?

Althgh there are five letters in the word 'sawed', there are only three phonemes, or actual speech sounds.The phonemes are s / aw / d.

Past and past participle of saw?

The past tense of "saw" is "sawed" and the past participle is also "sawed".

Is sawed an irregular verb?

Sawed (meaning to cut something with a saw) is regular.

Are sawed off shotguns legal in CA?

Depends on how much of the barrel is sawed off.

What is a five letter word with the third letter w?

I think I know of a couple: towed tower sawed bowed etc, etc.. another would be the word "sewer"

What is the past tense for saw the wood?

The past tense for "saw the wood" is "sawed the wood."

Can a sawed off shotgun kill someone?

yes, if a shotgun can kill someone, then a sawed one can too because they are more deadly

Which prophet was placed in a hollowed log and sawed asaunder?

It was the famous and major prohet Isaiah who was sawed in half by the evil king Mannaseh.

How do you use sawed in a sentence?

there is 1. I saw a bird fighting for a fish. 2. I cut off my arm with a saw

What is strong verb for the word saw?

Sawing is already a verb because it is an action.Other verbs are saw, saws and sawed, depending on the tense.Some example sentences are:"I will saw the wood"."He saws them the wrong size"."I am sawing the door frames"."He sawed all the planks as told".

Where does one buy a sawed off shotgun?

You can buy a sawed off shotgun online on the website of Serbu. They have a really nice looking sawed off shotgun called "Super Shorty". Super Shorty is available for $925. and $25. for shipping.


Wood that has been sawed into boards;