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You can buy a sawed off shotgun online on the website of Serbu. They have a really nice looking sawed off shotgun called "Super Shorty". Super Shorty is available for $925. and $25. for shipping.

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Q: Where does one buy a sawed off shotgun?
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Can a sawed off shotgun kill someone?

yes, if a shotgun can kill someone, then a sawed one can too because they are more deadly

Is a sawed off 20ga a illegal weapon?

A sawed off shotgun is illegal depending on how much of it is cut off. It is illegal to own one less than 18 inches for the barrel or 28 inches for the gun.

What is the law regarding a sawed off shotgun in the state of Tennessee?

It is illegal to possess a sawed-off shotgun in Tennessee without the proper federal registration and tax payment as required by the National Firearms Act. Possession of an unregistered sawed-off shotgun is a federal crime that can result in severe penalties, including fines and imprisonment.

What are the laws on sawed off shotguns in Arkansas?

You may saw off a shotgun in AR IF you pay the $5 federal tax,federally register it, get fingerprinted, and do the required 6 month wait. After that, you may saw it off.Otherwise:A.C.A. § 5-1-102. Definitions.As used in the Arkansas Criminal Code:........(20) "Sawed-off or short-barreled shotgun" means:(A) A shotgun having one (1) or more barrels less than eighteen inches (18") in length; or(B) Any weapon made from a shotgun, whether by alteration, modification, or otherwise, if the weapon, as modified, has an overall length of less than twenty-six inches (26");

How much is mossberg sawed off shotgun?

Something in the range of 10 years and $10,000 fine if not properly documented. Acceptable licensing would include its classification as an "AOW" (Any Other Weapon) by the BATFE with the appropriate (and inexpensive) tax stamp. After that, if you have a defaced mossberg shotgun, its worth less than a pretty one.

Can you break necks in gears of war 3?

Of course, The Sawed-Off Exucution is one that breaks necks from what I saw in the beta.

Is buckshot Good Home Defence choice?

One of the BEST ...With the barrel sawed off at 13 inches so it's legal ...

Where could a person buy a 12 gauge shotgun?

A person is able to buy a 12 gauge shotgun in a gun's store or a store where equipment for hunting is sold. One may also buy a shotgun in an exibition show where the law permit it.

What is the Advantage of a pistol grip shotgun?

A pistol grip shotgun ( they made a .410 Handy Gun with a ball sight ) is useful with small shot or if you are using slugs. Careful, the length of the gun must still be legal. Often dramatized in movies ( MAD MAX, sawed-off 12 ga. with a pistol grip is one of many ) they show the shooter using one hand stuck straight out......No way !!, The blowback will break your wrist or literally fly out of your hand.

Where could a person buy a Benelli shotgun?

There are many places where one can buy a Benelli shotgun. One can purchase these shotguns from local gun stores. One may also purchase these shotguns at gun conventions. One can find gun stores in their area by visiting a directory.

What age can you buy a muzzleloader?

Well, you can buy a rifle/shotgun when your 18 but, a pistol when your 21... unless an adult buys one for you.

Can you buy longer snake charmer shotgun stocks?

You might be able to have one made.