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No, Salior Uranus is a girl, however she is more of a tomboy, Hence why she has short hair. She is not like Salior moon as a girly girl.

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What are the names of the sailor scouts?

Sailor Moon: Usagi Tsukino (Serena in English Dub) Mini Moon/Chibi Moon: Chibiusa Tsukino (Rini) Sailor Mercury: Ami Mizuno (Amy) Sailor Mars: Raye Hino (Rei) Sailor Jupiter: Makoto Kino (Lita) Sailor Venus: Minako Aino (Mina) Tuxedo Mask: Mamoru Chiba (Darien Shields) Sailor Neptune: Michiru Kaioh (Michelle) Sailor Uranus: Haruka Tenoh (Amara) Sailor Pluto: Setsuna Meioh (Trista) Sailor Saturn: Hotaru Tomoe (Hotaru)

What were sailors duties?

Inner Sailor ScoutsSailor Mars - To protect the Earth & Sailor Moon & the planet Mars.Sailor Mercury - To protect the Earth & Sailor Moon & the planet Mercury.Sailor Jupiter - To protect the Earth & Sailor Moon & the planet Jupiter.Sailor Venus - To protect the Earth & Sailor Moon & the planet Venus.Outer Sailor ScoutsSailor Uranus - To protect Earth & take everything her way & to obviate it & her planet Uranus.Sailor Neptune - To protect Earth & do whatever she must & protect her planet Neptune.Sailor Pluto - To protect Earth & do what she must & to guard time & her planet Pluto.Sailor Saturn - To protect Earth & her planet Saturn.The King and Queen Of EarthSailor Moon - To protect Earth & the silver crystal.Queen Serenity - To protect the Galaxy.Serena - To protect her love Darien.Tuxedo Mask - To protect his love Sailor Moon & the Earth.Darien - To protect Serena his love.Serena & DarienSerena and Darien to get married & have a child named "Rini"'

Who is sailor Pluto's love interest?

In the manga (and possibly the musicals) she seems to have a thing for King Endymion. I've seen people ship her with Sailor Moon, Sailor Star Maker, Sailor Saturn and Sailor Venus.

Who would win in a fight deadpool or sailor venus?

deadpool is the merc with the mouth while when sailor venus is just a sailor scout

When did John Buchanan - sailor - die?

John Buchanan - sailor - died in 1943.

Related questions

Who likes sailor Uranus?

I love sailor Uranus

Is sailor Neptune is sailor Uranus girlfriennd?

Yes, in the original Japanese version, Sailor Neptune and Sailor Uranus are girlfriends but in the American version, they are cousins.

What episode does sailor uranus actually see Sailor Moon turn into the princess?

The sailor Uranus does actually see the sailor moon turn into the princess in episode 10.

What is the episode of sailor moon do sailor Uranus and sailor Neptune kiss?

They never do.

Does sailor uranus ever actually see sailor moon turn into the princess?

Yes, there is an instance whereby the sailor uranus is able to see the sailor moon turn into a princess.

Does sailor moon have a pure heart?

110/111 They were in Sailor Neptune, Uranus, and Pluto's heart. And technically, she didn't find them, the evil scientist did first and his sidekick did but Sailor Moon rescued the pure heart crystals.

When did sailor Uranus kill SAILOR Pluto?

when galaxia takes sailor neptune and sailor uranus star seed and makes them her minions which they take Saturn and plutos star seed under her order

Are sailor Neptune and Uranus dating?

No Sailor Jupiter is not a lesbian, but Sailor Uranus and Sailor Neptune are a lesbian couple, although they were changed to being cousins in the English dub.

What episode does sailor Uranus findout serina's Sailor Moon?

Sailor Moon Episode 109 - No Turning Back Serena finds out that Amara is Sailor Uranus and that Michelle is Sailor Neptune.Amara and Michelle also find out that Serena is Sailor Moon

Is SailorNeptune a lesbian?

yes, sailor neptune and sailor uranus are a lesbian couple.

What is sailor Uranus real name?

Amara Tenoh

Who is sailor Uranus?

Haruka Tenoh, Michiku's lover.