As far as I know he's not, but he's got a girlfriend named Tracy I believe. They've been together for a while now.
Rory Cochrane's birth name is Rory K. Cochrane.
Rory lives in Manhatton Beach California !
Sept. 25, 2010 in B.C.
In the episode The Big Bang Two, at the season finale of Season 5.
Frank Cochrane was born on October 28, 1882, in Durham, England, UK.
Rory Cochrane's birth name is Rory K. Cochrane.
Rory Cochrane is 178 cm.
Rory Cochrane was born on February 28, 1972.
Rory Cochrane was born on February 28, 1972.
Rory Cochrane is 45 years old (birthdate: February 28, 1972).
Rory lives in Manhatton Beach California !
Rory Cochrane.
It is Rory Cochrane from Empire Records.
although i do not know the exact number of people sharing the name Rory, the following people do: musician Rory Gallagher, & actors Rory Cochrane & Rory Culkin, respectively.
Brendan Cochrane is the older brother of actor Rory Cochrane. Brendan has his own film production company in NYC. Where he directs, produces, and also writes scrips and does music videos.
Tim "Speed" Speedle was played by Rory Cochrane.
Rory McIlroy married to Erica Stoll in 2017