I am pretty sure he is, Forever Young"May the good LORD be with you down every road you roam, and may sunshine and happiness surround you when your far from home, and may you grow to be proud, dignified and true, and due unto other as you would have done unto you(Biblical)....
Rod Stewart Rod Stewart No it wasn't it was Jeff Fortang It was Jeff...I bought my house from him (and his wife) in 1991...he most certainly did write it...and got little or no credit from Rod Stewart!!
Arnold Stiefel.
rod Stewart
justin bebier
Ryan Seacrest, American Idol Host Roger Staubach, NFL HOF Dallas QB, 1969-79 Rod Stewart, rock singer Rod Steiger, American actor, "In the Heat of the Night" Ricky Schroder, American actor, "Lonesome Dove" / NYPD Blues Ryan Sheckler, Amerian professional skateboarder, star of MTV's Life of Ryan, olympic gold medalist Rick Santorum, former Pennsylvania governor Rick Sanchez, CNN News anchor Rick Santelli, on-air editor, CNBC
Rod Stewart is a Christian although he has never specified what type of Christian.
He goes to church with his wife Penny to pray , and has has had his latest child Christened. So I guess you could say he's a Christian. I read that he has become more religious in the last few years.
Rod Stewart is happily 'married' to Penny Lancaster-Stewart.
how old is rod stewart
Rod Stewart isn't dead.
No, Rod Stewart was never in the band, Journey.
Rod Stewart
One can find information about tours by Rod Stewart from his website which is Rod Stewart. One can also find information about tours by Rod Stewart from the Ticket Master website.
Rod Stewart was born on January 10, 1945.
Rod Stewart was born on January 10, 1945.
Rod Stewart was born on January 10, 1945
the net worth of rod Stewart is £115 million