Rebecca Romijn is 45 years old (birthdate: November 6, 1972).
Rebecca Romijn-Stamos
John McCrae used to have a wife in 1998 named Rebecca Romijn.
Helena Christensen Yasmeen Ghauri Rebecca Romijn Laetitia Casta Karen Mulder Stephanie Seymour Daniela Peštová Tyra Banks Heidi Klum Adriana Lima
The two actresses in the latest Jared Jewelers commercials are Gabrielle Union, an African American actress, and Rebecca Romijn, a Caucasian actress. Gabrielle Union is known for her roles in films such as "Bring It On" and "Bad Boys II," while Rebecca Romijn is known for her roles in "X-Men" and "Ugly Betty." Both actresses bring their own unique styles and personalities to the commercials, appealing to a diverse audience.
Rebecca Romijn's birth name is Rebecca Alie Romijn.
No, Rebecca Romijn is not single.
Rebecca Romijn
Rebecca Romijn is a/an Actress,model
Rebecca Romijn was born on November 6, 1972
Rebecca Romijn has 2 children
Yes, Rebecca Romijn has 2 kids.
Yes, Rebecca Romijn has 2 kids.
Rebecca Romijn has 2 children
Rebecca Romijn married to John Stamos from 1998 to 2005 Rebecca Romijn married to Jerry O'Connell in 2007
Rebecca Romijn married to John Stamos from 1998 to 2005 Rebecca Romijn married to Jerry O'Connell in 2007
Rebecca Romijn was born on November 6, 1972