Gohan is indeed the strongest in Dragonball Z. But including the 13th movie, Wrath of the Dragon, Goku is the strongest, as he's the hero, and they wanted to make Goku stronger than Gohan in the last Dragonball Z movie, cos he's the hero... etc. Including Fusions: 1. Super Vegito 2. Gogeta 3. Gohan 4. Goku 5. Gotenks
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It always turns out to be Goku, though some of the other charachters do get their time to shine, but thats alway short-lived. (Like Krillin, Yamcha, Picollo etc. they fight and die all. the. time!) Goku is always beating the bad guys and upping to different levels of Super Saiyyen before everyone else.....so it's gotta be him, I guess.
Trunks power level is never said but trunks is probably the fourth or fifth strongest of the Z fighters. After Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and maybe Goten.
Ultimate gohan's hairstyle. Definitely
Kid Gohan only turned ssj when he trained with Goku in the Hyperbolic Time Chamber. Vegeta kneed him on the stomach on namek when searching for the dragonballs
Yes, because gohan is older and has more fighting experience, also gohan has trained with piccolo and goku , when trunks has only been able to train alone
The strongest villian is Buu when he absorbed Gohan, Piccolo, Trunks, and Goten. The strongest hero is Mystic Gohan and Goku SSj3. The strongest fusion is Vegito, the fusion form of Goku and Vegeta.
Mystic Gohan is stronger than SSJ2 Gohan.
Mystic Gohan but that is just my opinion.
mystic gohan
mystic gohan
mystic gohan
No, Mystic Gohan is far stronger than in his SSJ2 form.
mystic gohan
the level equal to full power mystic gohan is SSJ4. The level equal to regular mystic gohan is SSJ3 plus 86%
Gohan goes mystic in Episode 247: Unlucky Break
mystic gohan
Gohan is strong in his mystic form,I'll admit that but he is no where near as strong as vegeta in his super sayian four form but out of all of them goku is the strongest of them all