Trunks power level is never said but trunks is probably the fourth or fifth strongest of the Z fighters. After Goku, Vegeta, Gohan, and maybe Goten.
2 times. Future Trunks got killed by cell and kid Trunks got killed by buu
he says he will take him but there is no episode with vegeta and trunks going to the park :)
Goku defeated him the first time after absorbing the power of Gohan, Future Trunks, Piccolo and Vegeta. He somehow survived and then attacked goten and Goten, Gohan and Goku defeated him with 3 simultaneous kamehamehas Then some weird clone of Brolly was made and Krillen, Goten and Kid Trunks killed him with 3 simultaneous kamehamehas.
It's over nine thousand!!!!!!
Bulma is pregnant with Trunks before the Cell saga in DBZ. We never see her pregnant.
Trunk and Pan are very strong especially Pan but if you ask Is Trunks stronger than Pan? Your answer is that Pan can be stronger than Trunks and that Trunks can be stronger than Pan but it just depends on their power level and it also depends on which super sayjin level they are on.
well if trunks at ultra was 130,000,000 then at ssj2 yourpowerlevel should be 200,000,000.
They can change their power level to match the others. I'm not sure if you have seen it, but if you did: remember when Piccolo was teaching Trunks and Goten to fuse? Trunks was more powerful because he was older and they had to make his power level match Goten's. The linked video explains it a little (start at 0:1:30).
Trunks and Goten are about equal in power in Dragon Ball GT.
No he can only power up to a high level. He loses all his speed and gains only strength so, technically you can say he does go ssj2 but he doesn't do it correctly
its pretty vague i mean she did beat trunks and goten when she was like 5, so she's pretty powerful.. probably OVER 9,000!!!!!!!!!JK
100000000 in dbz gt what part all what version you asked? example dbz kai dbz gt dbz dbz af and more.
Beat every level and then save the game. Go exit the the game and then press 'continue' to get Trunks.
Goten is stronger because when they were kids Goten could have defeted trunks but he cheated
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Well to me I think the power level of a SSJ5 at first transformation is at about 155,000,000,000,000,000,000 or 270,000,000,000,000,000,000 . The reason for this is if you read the DBAF Magna, Xicor power level is about 3,500,000,000,000,000,000 (my guess) and that's more power than a SSJ4 Gogeta (with his power level at about 2,000,000,000,000,000,000) and also remember that Xicor is at his suppressed level or just to make it simple, only using about 3% of his power. So anyway Goten, Gohan, Trunks and Vegeta and I also think Goku Jr and Vegeta Jr face Xicor off but he just destroys them without trying, even when Gohan, Vegeta, Trunks (I think) and also Gogeta Jr when they all go SSJ4 he still wins without a sweat. But then Goku appears from the Dragon Realm to earth and faces of Xicor and then Goku transforms into a SSJ5 then betting him to his death. So at the end a SSJ5 is defiantly stronger than any SSJ4
it woul be a tie. because goten power=45000 and trunks 55000 gokus power is 100000 than gote =trunks power would be 100000 and = ssj3 power in goku and gotenks ssj3 power is smae so tahts why it would be a tie