she did kiss a girl but she is the same person. Hannah Montana and Miley Cyrus is the same person.
Miley Naa Miley Hum was created on 2011-11-04.
Miley Cyrus is a popstar Miley Cyrus is a popstar
Miley Cyrus Hannah is just miley in a wig on stage
demi is so not jealous of miley! why should she be, Miley Cyrus is an idiot
No absolutley not. Miley Cyrus is really a man.
Miley Cyrus mom lives with Miley and Miley's siblings in their house! :)
The duration of Miley Naa Miley Hum is 2.75 hours.
miley shirts
Miley Cyrus's mom is Miley's manager.
Miley never died, Miley is alive. :)
If by Miley you mean Miley Cyrus, then no.
Miley Naa Miley Hum was created on 2011-11-04.
yes she is. go on YOUTUBE or any where else and put The last Song and that's all you will see. MILEY MILEY MILEY, MILEY!!
No because Miley Cyrus is her real name and miley stewet is her Hannah montana name
Miley's mum died when MILEY was 2 not her mum.