Yes, George Gaynes is still alive. He was born May 16, 1917
She was born on May 25, 1930. She is currently 81 years old.
No , Jackie Cooper is no longer alive . He passed away May 3, 2011 .
Still alive, still not funny
yes she is still alive.
May Britt was born on March 22, 1933.
May Britt was born on March 22, 1933.
May Britt Vihovde was born in 1958.
May Britt's birth name is Wilkens, Maybritt.
As of May 2012, Carter is still alive.
Yes, Namath is still alive of May, 2009.
Yes Mandela is still alive.
Yes he is still alive and is 62 years of age
May-Britt Moser was born on 1963-01-04.
Yes he is still alive. He will turn 47 in May 2011.
Born May 24, 1970, the singer Tommy Page is indeed still alive.
Addy Britt died on May 14, 1938, in USA.