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no so he is single! yay for all those girls who love him!

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9y ago

As of 06/2015, Justin Bieber is not, nor has he ever, dated Kesha.

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14y ago

no cause he's a quier mop head

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Q: Is justin bieber going out with Leah Kehagias?
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What place did Justin Bieber come in stratford idol?

He came 2nd to Leah Keeley.

Is Leah keahagis going out with justin?

No, he is dating Selena Gomez.

Do you think Justin Bieber likes the name Leah?

Well the only person that knows is Justin so hope he does and good luck 2 u. =]

Why does Leah and Hannah hate Justin Bieber?

coz hes a poo face and he likes boys sorry to all the girls out there that like him but its true

Vanessa Hudgens is going to be Leah?

NO. she is not going to be Leah clearwater. but the charactor of Leah clearwater doesnt come into the films until eclipse.

Who is going to play Leah in new moon?

They arn not going 2 have a Leah ,,, wich i cant belive with out Leah ther is no sam!!!! *sams going 2 b in movie* ~

How can you audition for Leah Clearwater?

Apparently Leah Clearwater isn't going to be in The Twilight films.

Where did Justin place second in a Singing competition?

Justin won 2nd place to Leah Keeley in Stratford Ontario, In the Stratford Idol, Competition.

Who is playing Leah Clearwater in eclipse?

Leah Clearwater is going to be played by Julia Jones in Eclipse. Her on-screen brother, Seth Clearwater, is going to be played by BooBoo Stewart.

Is Heiress Margo Wilson going to be Leah Clearwater in Eclipse?


Can Leah clearwater brake the imprint that sam had?

Leah Clearwater and Sam Uley never imprinted on each other, they were just going out. Sam then split with Leah when he learnt that he had imprinted on Emily. Her cousin.

In the book Going for the Record what kind of cancer did Leah's father have?

he has Pancreatic Cancer