I think this was in my fourth grade music book. I can only remember the first verse. It was my favorite song that year! Oh, I am Dr. Ironbeard. Twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom. I'll cure your ills with healing art, Twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom. Oh, I can make the dumb to walk, Twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom-boom-boom, The lame to see, the blind to talk. Twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom. Sing toureay, sing toureay, twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom-boom-boom. Sing toureay, sing toureay, twilly willy willy wit, boom-boom.
The duration of Free Willy is 1.87 hours.
No, no robot replaced Keiko [1977-December 12, 2003] in any of the films. The orca was the real live whale in 'Free Willy 1' [1993], 'Free Willy 2' [1995], and 'Free Willy 3' [1997]. But he won't be seen in the upcoming 'Free Willy 4: Escape from Pirate's Cove' [2010].
Willy Segers was born on 1958-11-21.
Willy doesn't exist but his two mates are there !
It sounds kinda weird... But it's true
Yes, the movie free the Willy's is a major chick flick. And if you don't think that your weird if you didn't' see the movie
Yes, that's why his willy is small. Not he's just got a small willy and micro-balls
The aboriginal name for cyclone in Australia is "willy-willy".
your small willy
get a small willy
toppos small willy
A Small Willy, Um, Well, Either way you can get a hand job, But it will be very difficult for you partner. Oh yeah and , HAHAHAH! YOU HAVE A SMALL DICK!
Yes, unless you have a small willy
yes it does hobo
Ask Aaron McGiugan
YOu get your extremly small willy and put it into her mouth then...Tada