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they dont give the band a chance! they just assume ohh there just boys in a band and they dress different then me so im going to hate them! well FYI its called fassion! hatters gunna hate..all i can say is i love one direction <3 give them a chance and you will to.

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12y ago


It is true, I am a massive fan of 1D and Louis in particular and unfortunately everyone in the band has changed because of all this hate,

Louis is not carefree and excited

Harry has been doing exercise because people say he is fat

Zayn hides his tattoos

Niall has changed his whole style

Liam and danielle is getting threats because of Danielle

That simply gives you and idea of how much haters have done to 1D and all of the directioners miss the old band members but sadly this is unlikely to happen unless all the haters realize what they have done

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