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Yes, it may hurt the girl for a while but things like that can happen all the time. It is best to have short nails if you plan on doing things such as that to your significant other. Just keep that in mind.

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Q: Is it bad if when you are fingering a girl you slip and scartch her and she starts bleeding?
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Can fingering trigger a girl's period?

no, fingering cause bleeding it the person is not careful and has long nails

Can you catch anything when fingering a girl?

No you cant catch anything when fingering a girl ...

What runs in a mans'mind when he is fingering his girl?

when a mans starts fingering a girl that's his forplay this in the moments where for lack of a better term is test driving the car before he by.when a man starts figering he testing how wet the vagina is how it feels ,smells and taste and when he answer all these while he figering he thinking what his next move will be.

Can a girl loose her weight by doing fingering?

No, a girl cannot lose weight by fingering. However, with proper diet and exercise, she will be able to lose her desired weight.

Should you wash your hands before fingering your girlfriend?

Yes, you should always wash your hands before fingering a girl this prevents pregnancy (if you have previously have sperm on your hands) and also STI's. You should also wash your hands after fingering a girl, its more hygienic.

how to f urself?

Fingering for a girl Rubbing for a boy

What sexual things can a girl do with a girl?

You can start by rubbing her boobs and just kissing her and fingering her

How do I begin fingering a girl if it isn't discussed beforehand?

Start kissing her neck, making out, then reach your hand down her pants, and start fingering her.

What is the aftermath of fingering a girl?

4 x 6 - 15 = 9. (:

Can fingering disflower a girl?

yes i have done it and it works no cry and no pain

What happens when a girl starts her period?

When you first start your period you might have a little discomfort but it only lasts a couple of days with some bleeding of course.

Can you finger the girl if she just started birth control?

yes, fingering does nothing?