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No, a girl cannot lose weight by fingering. However, with proper diet and exercise, she will be able to lose her desired weight.

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Q: Can a girl loose her weight by doing fingering?
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Can you catch anything when fingering a girl?

No you cant catch anything when fingering a girl ...

Can fingering trigger a girl's period?

No, fingering cannot trigger a girl's period. Menstruation is controlled by hormonal changes in the body, and physical stimulation like fingering has no impact on the menstrual cycle.

Can a fat girl be skinny if she runs 5 laps everyday?

she might loose some weight but if you want to loose weight then eat healthy excersize and don't sleep in very late

Should you wash your hands before fingering your girlfriend?

Yes, you should always wash your hands before fingering a girl this prevents pregnancy (if you have previously have sperm on your hands) and also STI's. You should also wash your hands after fingering a girl, its more hygienic.

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What sexual things can a girl do with a girl?

You can start by rubbing her boobs and just kissing her and fingering her

How does a 13 year old girl loose from her waist?

You can lose weight from your waist by engaging in road running

How do I begin fingering a girl if it isn't discussed beforehand?

Start kissing her neck, making out, then reach your hand down her pants, and start fingering her.

What is the aftermath of fingering a girl?

4 x 6 - 15 = 9. (:

Can fingering disflower a girl?

yes i have done it and it works no cry and no pain

Does an 8 stone 1.6 meter 11-year- old girl need to lose weight?

The average weight for an 11 year old girl is from 80-90 pounds. Yes she does need to loose some weight! Maybe a stone.

Why is it harder for a girl to lose weight then a boy?

Calories are burned in the muscle tissue. Males have more muscle tissue and are therefore able to loose weight easier.