Well, it probably was in Part one until she cut it during the fight with Sakura. In part two it has grown a lot, but I'd say that Kushina Uzumaki has longer hair.
Her name is Ino Yamanaka... *smiles*
the favorite color of ino yamanaka is violet
Just a Rivalry, no more, no less. Actually in a more detailed explanation , the word "ino" means boar in Japanese so sakura uses the word "pig" as a suffix as supposed to "san" or "Chan" to insult Ino
episode 333 or 332 one of them
there both the same age :)
The longest hair on the Yorkie with the longest hair was a dog named Etna with hair a foot and a half long and still holds the record for the Yorkie with the longest hair today
no, she tried impressing him with her hair but he just ignored her
to show that she doesn't care about her looks only.
Perhaps Samson. See related link below:
Ino apparently grew out her hair again, while Sakura, at age 14, had it long again, decided to cut it again because it kept getting in the way of her training.
The longest person in the world that has the longest armpit hair was Iwokasha Ban from Iraq who had arm pit hair like an ungroomed.
Rapunzel is have the longest someones hair has ever been
not realy. no.the top answer is correct but sasuke has feelings for ino.he thinks ino is much like him than sakura. sasuke grabs ino's both shaulders and ino gets a shock.then he unties her hair and KISSES her on lips.it was on naruto before ino cut her hair in the chunin exam.he Kisses ino infront of sakura and she starts crying and starts liking naruto a bit. but the truth is sasuke didnt kiss ino becaused he liked her no way! he new sakura was watching so to prove her that he does not like her.he says to sakura that ino looks cute when she unties her hair and sakura starts crying louder.then sasuke leaves her behind. thats not true. he doesnt kiss anyone except naruto. and he hates the konoha girls. except sakura's his friend well was
Kate longwell
Ino Shikamaru.
The longest hair on a horse is its tail, but the longest mane in the world records was nine feet and ten inches.