No. If they are Stone Cold would'nt have stunned him at WM 20.
they are brothers he stunned before goldburg speered him in a mistake
Revenge. Goldberg speared Stone Cold by a mistake, he was actually aiming for mr. Mcman but missed. stone Cold still wanted revenge, THAT STUPID RATTLE SNAKE!
Cold Stone Austin injured his knee in a W.W. F match.
how many movies did cold stone Steve Austin played in
"Stone Cold" Steve Austin (SCSA)
No they are not related
Revenge. Goldberg speared Stone Cold by a mistake, he was actually aiming for mr. Mcman but missed. stone Cold still wanted revenge, THAT STUPID RATTLE SNAKE!
No, because Goldberg is dominant in wcw. Stone cold is dominant in wwe. So they made both of them friends in the story line.
No but you can be stone cold
no but there is stone cold
My cousin, Harold
Goldberg's last wrestling match was at Wrestlemania XX against Brock Lesnar,with Stone Cold as Special Referee.Goldberg won the match.*As of August 18th, 2012.
the longest yard (also staring Stone Cold Steve Austin, Kevin Nash and The Great Karli
he was 24 stone
because stone coldSteve Austin quit is because it wasn't fun anymore for Goldberg quit is because it wasn't fun for him and he hate wrestling and they were weak for him and he could smash people
Goldberg had his last match against Brock Lesnar at Wrestlemania XX (2004) in which he won and Stone Cold was the special guest refree... he wanted to start an MMA career later on but then he chose to fully retire from any physical occupation