His mother is French-English, and his Father is of English decent. So no...not even close.
No, he's American. Why would he be Irish?!
Edward Norton
Edward Norton is about 6'1. :)
According to IMDB. Edward Norton was not in Young Guns or Young Guns 2
No, he's American. Why would he be Irish?!
Edward Norton
Edward Norton
Edward Norton was born on August 18, 1969.
Edward Norton - conspirator - died in 1702.
Edward Norton - conspirator - was born in 1654.
Edward Norton was born on August 18, 1969.
Edward Lawry Norton died in 1983.
Edward Felix Norton died on 1954-11-03.
Edward Norton Lorenz was born on May 23, 1917.
Edward Norton Lorenz was born on May 23, 1917.
Edward Norton is about 6'1. :)