

Is danzo madara

Updated: 4/28/2022
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14y ago

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no he is not. if u look at zetzu or wat ever his name is says that danzos no friend and when madara is akatsuki leader.

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Q: Is danzo madara
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Who would win in a fight danzo or madara?

Danzo's dead.... Madara would have though. I mean, Sasuke won over Danzo...And Madara is probably more powerful than Sasuke for now. So Chaa.

Is danzo Tobi?

NO.....danzo and Tobi are not the same person though most people belive it to be so.........

Is Tobi which is Madara Danzou?

No because he and saskue killed danzo together

How did danzo die?

When Danzo held Karin hostage, Sasuke used this opportunity and sacrificed Karin by stabbing her with his "Chidori Spear" to get Danzo through the heart. Within his last few minutes of his life, Danzo used his final Jutsu called "Reverse Four Symbol Sealing" in hopes of sealing Madara and Sasuke along with him in his death, but it failed since Sasuke and Madara got away from it in time and Danzo ended up in suicide.

How many sharingan users are there?

Sasuke Uchiha, Tobi AKA Obito Uchiha, Madara Uchiha, Shisui Uchiha, Kakashi Hatake, Danzo and Itachi Uchiha.

Mystery behind bet Madara and Danzou Issue?

danzo was one of the 4 people who knew the truth about the slaughter of the uchiha clan the truth was that itachi was ordered by madara to kill everyone in uchiha itachi lied to sasuke about wanting to test his abilities he had lived a horrible childhood in war witnessing many deaths of fellow uchiha itachi hated war he couldn't kill his little brother he loved him to deeply the day after the slaughter itachi found the third hokage (another person who knew the truth about the slaughter of uchiha) and asked him to protect sasuke then fled to the akutsuki years later kisame and itachi were ordered to kidnap naruto because of his jinchuriki itachi noticed he had the chance to see if sasuke was still alright anyway the mystery behind madara and danzo is that they are the same person for proof look at which eye danzo covers up then look at where mardaras hole is in his mask oh and incase you didnt know madara is Tobi also im obsessed with naruto I know Tobi was Madara pretending to be the dumbest in the Akatsuki.In the latest chapters, Tobi was worried, not worried of course but the meeting of the 5 kages was a hindrance to his plans, Danzo's sharingan has revealed in last chapter. Maybe Danzo was Izuno Uchiha, maybe Izuno is Danzo. Another point that Danzo sent Sai for the assassination for Sasuke is that Danzo maybe wants Sasuke's eyes You have a point also that Danzo is Tobi/Madara. madara ended by saying " i have something to take care of ", maybe he forms as Danzo I wish the next chapter will answer all these questions(flashbacks) and reveal the true identity of Danzo or Madara or even the face of Tobi.

Is the 6th Hokage of the hidden leaf village madara because they both have sharingan?

There is no sixth hokage. Danzo was a candidate for it, but was killed by Sasuke before he could formally take over, and Tsunade recovered in the meantime. Danzo is not Madara, he is not even a Uchiha. His sharingan eye was taken from Shisui Uchiha.

What is the people in Naruto that have sharagun?

sasuke, itachi, kakashi, tobi, madara, danzo and one more but i cant think of it.

Is Tobi different from obito?

yes in the newest naruto shippuden that came out in japan danzo said"damn madara i need to conserve enough chakra to fight him' is what danzo said while he looked at Tobi sitting on top of a pillar on

Who are all the people with sharingan?

For those who are alive until shippuden it is Kakashi- Madara Uchiha- Sasuke Uchiha- Itachi Uchiha- Danzo

Is danzo the 6th Hokage?

Yes, for now danzo is the 6th hokage. The king of fire country choose him because the king thought that danzo can lead the country. **thumbs up** Unless your really behind in the manga or anime you would ask this question Answer: No because he died battling Sauske and Madara. So No he is not the Hokage and Yes Tsunade is the Hokage (No she is not dead)