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Krishna B

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โˆ™ 3y ago

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Q: Is crossandra infundibuliformis flower a uni sexual or bisexual flower?
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Definition of bisexual flower?

flower having 2 sexual parts!

Why there is more chances of fertilization in bisexual flower rather in uni-sexual flower?

In a uni-sexual flower, the male and female organs are in separate flowers or even on separate plants. This means they rely upon a vector to carry the pollen. If a bisexual flower is not pollinated from an external source, it can resort to self-fertilization.

How many sepals petals stamens pistil uni-sexual or bisexual complete or incomplete male or female flower is hibiscus?

How many sepals petals stamens pistil uni-sexual or bisexual complete or incomplete male or female flower is jasmine

Are sunflowers bisexual?

NO, it is a flower not a person a flower can not be bisexual. Sorry if this answer is wrong. :) .Cambri Jennys.

Is sampaguita flower a bisexual flower?

Honey, flowers don't have sexual orientations. They're too busy being fabulous and blooming for everyone to worry about who they're attracted to. So, no, the sampaguita flower is not bisexual, it's just a flower doing its thing and smelling sweet while at it.

Is earthworm a uni - sexual or bisexual animal?


Is chris bisexual?

No hurricane is bisexual because, it has no sexual relations

Will your bisexual husband stop being bisexual?

sexual orientation cannot be changed. If someone is bisexual, they are bisexual for life.

Is hurricane chris bisexual?

No hurricane is bisexual because, it has no sexual relations

What is bio sexual flowers?

Bisexual flowers, also known as perfect flowers, have both male (stamen) and female (pistil) reproductive structures within the same flower. This allows the flower to self-pollinate or be pollinated by other flowers of the same species. Examples of plants with bisexual flowers include roses and lilies.

What is the bisexual?

The bisexual is a type of sexual behavior or physical attraction with both genders of male and female. If someone is bisexual, they can experience sexual, emotional and affectional attraction to both sexes.