Come on,now! Ask a real question! Of course he's not. And spell his name right,please!
NO CRISS ANGLE IS NOT A GAY he has a girlfriend thank u (HE PRETTY CUTE 2)
No, Criss Angel is not dead. He is alive & well living in his house, Serenity, or when he is preforming, he stays in the President's Suite @ the Luxor.
It's Criss Angel, silly. But he isn't dead though. Hope this helps :)
yes he is a pervert. Infact the character was created by writer Mike Henry and called the character "Herbert the Pervert"
Criss Strokes is 190 cm.
NO CRISS ANGLE IS NOT A GAY he has a girlfriend thank u (HE PRETTY CUTE 2)
Criss angle/peter Criss lives in Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania and that is all i can say.
Criss Angel didn't go to college
I dont think that cris angle is married
no WAY!
dude you mush love him(criss angle) And also him but there out of the question. thanks from your fan criss (blc is my name)
Criss lives at the Luxor Hotel in Las Vegas,but send mail to him here- Criss Angel (not "Angle") c/o Jason Verona 9465 Wilshire Blvd. 6th floor Beverly Hills.CA,90212
he floats on water by using plexiglass
Criss Angel is still alive. he did not die. lol his shows are still airing and he is making new episodes
Don't know about criss angle but Cena and Jeff Hardy do not have myspace